#include "pvm3.h"
#include <libspe2.h>
#include "sub1.h"
extern spe_program_handle_t spe1; // defined in SPU code
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int n = ...;
if (pvm_parent() == PvmNoParent) {
#define N (4)
int tid[N];
pvm_spawn("program", argv, PvmTaskDefault, (char*)0, N, &tid[0]);
} else {
int mytid = pvm_mytid();
int *tids, me = -1;
int ntids = pvm_siblings(&tids);
for (int i=0; i<ntids; ++i)
if ( tids[i] == mytid) {
me = i;
int p_left = -1, p_right = -1;
if (me > 0)
p_left = tids[me-1];
if (me < ntids-1)
p_right = tids[me+1];
int n_local0 = 1 + (me * (n-1)) / ntids;
int n_local1 = 1 + ((me+1) * (n-1)) / ntids;
// allocate only local part + ghost zone of the arrays x,y
float *x, *y;
x = new float[n_local1 - n_local0 + 2];
y = new float[n_local1 - n_local0 + 2];
x -= (n_local0 - 1);
y -= (n_local0 - 1);
... // fill x, y
// fill ghost zone
if (p_left != -1) {
pvm_pkfloat(&y[n_local0], 1, 1);
int msgtag = 1;
pvm_send(p_left, msgtag);
if (p_right != -1) {
int msgtag = 1;
pvm_recv(p_right, msgtag);
pvm_upkfloat(&y[n_local1], 1, 1);
pvm_pkfloat(&y[n_local1-1], 1, 1);
msgtag = 2;
pvm_send(p_right, msgtag);
if (p_left != -1) {
int msgtag = 2;
pvm_recv(p_left, msgtag);
pvm_upkfloat(&y[n_local0-1], 1, 1);
data1 block __attribute__ (aligned(128));
spe_context_ptr_t ctxs;
spe_stop_info_t st;
ctxs = spe_context_create(0, NULL);
spe_program_load (ctxs, &spe1);
block.n0 = n_local0;
block.n1 = n_local1;
block.x = &x[n_local0];
block.y = &y[n_local0-1];
unsigned int entry = SPE_DEFAULT_ENTRY;
float e = 0;
// execute code on a single SPU and wait for termination
spe_context_run(ctxs[p], &entry, 0, &block, NULL, st);
e += block.e;
int msgtag = 3;
pvm_reduce(PvmSum, &e, 1, PVM_FLOAT, msgtag, "worker", tids[0]);
msgtag = 4;
if (me==0) {
pvm_pkfloat(&e, 1, 1);
pvm_bcast("worker", msgtag);
} else {
pvm_recv(tids[0], msgtag);
pvm_upkfloat(&e, 1, 1);
... // output x, e
x += (n_local0 - 1);
y += (n_local0 - 1);
delete[] x, y;
return 0;